Remnant Youth Logo


The first thing you should know is We Are Not Your Average Youth. We are on a journey to become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ who believe in the transforming power of God’s Word and the Holy Spirit. We exist to see God’s kingdom come to earth as we surrender our lives completely to Him.

Who is Remnant?

Remnant is a surviving and faithful trace of youth people who remain devoted to Jesus under the pressures of this world. We count the cost and are willing to surrender our lives to see Jesus Christ in the lives of the people at our schools, the city of La Crosse and the rest of the world.

Maybe you are thinking, “I don’t even know who Jesus is” or “I don’t have that kind of faith, I wouldn’t fit in…” The amazing thing about Remnant is that we are all on a Journey. Wherever you are on that journey – still trying to figure Jesus out, no faith or great faith – there is no judgement and no pressure. We are all on this journey together and we can hopefully learn and grow in relationship with Jesus and each other along the way. Adventures are exciting, they are risky, they are challenging and often times adventures make us face our greatest fears. Remnant Youth is a group of young people actively engaged in the adventure towards Jesus, growing stronger through our experiences together.

Why Remnant?

Isaiah 10:20-21 “In that day the remnant of Israel, the survivors of Jacob, will no longer rely on him who struck them down but will truly rely on the Lord, the Holy One of Israel. A remnant will return, a remnant of Jacob will return to the Mighty God.”

How Do I Get Involved?

Do you want to make an impact in your city, in your schools, family, or friendships?! Come to be a part of the remnant that God has chosen to bring light to a lost and broken world!

Join us on Wednesday Nights, 6:30 PM at Cornerstone Community Church in La Crosse, Wisconsin.

To connect, fill out the form below or email Addie Kapanke, Youth Ministry Leader at:

Vision Statement

We are fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ
who believe in the transforming power of God’s word and the Holy Spirit. We exist to see God’s kingdom come as we surrender our lives completely to Him.
