Our Current Series

Jesus and His Mission: The Gospel of Luke
If you’ve ever wanted to do a really deep dive into one of the gospels, then 2025 is your year! We started last year working our way through the gospel of Luke and our journey continues this year! If you need to catch up you can review last years sermons on our YouTube channel. We will also interject other short series along the way, but our primary focus will be on becoming experts on the life, ministry and teachings of Jesus as written by Dr. Luke.
Worship Services are Sundays @ 10 AM.
Join Our Community in Worship this Sunday!
Can't attend in persion? View our live streamed service on YouTube!

On a Journey Together
Are you looking for a place to belong? Do you want to journey with others and develop relationships or raise your kids in a positive and caring environment? Do you have questions about God and wonder what He thinks about your less than perfect past? Then you’ve found the right place. Cornerstone is a bunch of imperfect people in need of God’s help and guidance.
We don’t expect people to get their lives in order before coming. We want everyone to come as they are and experience the life-giving power of God working in our community. Together, we desire to deepen our relationships with God and with each other, and to love those in our community and our world. We invite you to join us on the journey and experience Real Community!